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Grupo eventoplus white paper: events in the pharma industry

Grupo eventoplus white paper: events in the pharma industry

They fascinate our industry: pharma companies base their communication mostly on events, which leads to dream-like figures: corporate planners handling event budgets over 10 million euros, clients organising hundreds of events a year. A tempting market for anyone. But no "business as usual" for this industry: ethical code, p ...

A peep at the future of the event industry No cristal ball!

A peep at the future of the event industry No cristal ball!

Rohit Talwar, CEO of Fast Future, is a futurologist who is currently analysing the likely future of our industry. He defines possible scenarios for 2015 and tests their likelihood according to professionals of our industry. We had the opportunity to attend his conference in the European MPI conference in Turin (1-3 March 2009).
