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SB BCN Events

Organise your event in SB BCN Events

Maximum capacity 400 pax

Larger room capacity 420 pax

Distance city centre 5 km

Relevant information


Contact person: Anabel Collados

Ronda Can Rabadà, 22-24, Castelldefels, Barcelona

Your event space in Barcelona

The 4-star superior Hotel SB BCN Events offers 323 rooms and it is specialized in events and meetings. The hotel has a large convention center that accommodates multiple meeting rooms ully equipped with large capacity up to 400 people.

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Hotel of 4 stars
323 rooms

Ask for a quotation

If you need a space for events in Barcelona pide request a quote from SB BCN Events, complete the following form so they can get in touch with you and assist with your event.

Maximum capacity 400 pax

Larger room capacity 420 pax

Location 5 km

Hotel SB BCN Events (4* Sup) is located just 15 km from Barcelona, very close to new Terminal 1 of Barcelona Airport and in front of the Olympic Channel in Castelldefels. Specialized in events and meetings, the hotel has a large Convention Center that accommodates multiple meeting rooms, fully equipped, with capacity for 400 pax. All the meeting rooms have daylight. eSBo restaurant, that features an excellent Mediterranean and market cuisine, offers an executive menu. There are also two fantastic outdoor swimming pools surrounded by a beautiful and large garden and a cozy terrace where an attractive and varied cuisine can be enjoyed. In short, services that make it a perfect hotel to organize any type of event.

NombreNombreSuperficieSuperficieAlturaAlturaDimensionesDimensionesBanqueteBanqueteCocktailCóctelTipo UForma UEscuelaEscuelaTeatroTeatroImperialImperialCabaretCabaretSalaVer sala
BCN 12204.5220*4.51002004812020066
BCN 22204.5220*4.51002004812020066
Calma 16033*60305521305018
Calma 26033*60305521305018
Calma 36033*60305521305018
Calma 46033*60305521305018
Calma 1+2+31803180*390165609015054
Calma 2+3+41803180*390165609015054
Olimpic 160360*3305521305018
Olimpic 270370*3306527366018
Garraf + Ginesta3572.75357*2.75220
Rocallis + Aiguadolç1702.75170*2.7590150366012036
Aiguadolç + Ginesta1702.75170*2.7580160366012036
Garraf + Ginesta + Aiguadolç4382.75438*2.75260
Ginesta + Aiguadolç + Rocallís2552.75255*2.75130230549016054

Assistance and dedicated staff.

Space Guide
