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Casa de la Memoria

Organise your event in Casa de la Memoria

Location Centro de la ciudad

Your event space in Sevilla

“CASA DE LA MEMORIA”, is since 1999 the best Flamenco Cultural Center of Seville and offers daily (19.30 and 21.00h) the best traditional Flamenco shows of the city, with the most important artists of today, whose prestige is recognized both nationally and are consistently awarded the top prizes.

Photo of Casa de la Memoria 1
Photo of Casa de la Memoria 1

Ask for a quotation

If you need a space for events in Sevilla pide request a quote from Casa de la Memoria, complete the following form so they can get in touch with you and assist with your event.

Location Sevilla

Inside it has several rooms for rent to events and  for art gallery and exhibition, where the visitor can enjoy temporary exhibitions and the private collection of works of art, objects and historical documents of the House. Space to events. 

All this, added to the numerous activities that Casa de la Memoria has been carrying out since its creation, such as presentations of books and records, lectures, Flemish fashion parades, master classes on the history of flamenco, poetry recitals, Guitar concerts and world music, theatrical visits, and so on, which make the FLAMENCO CULTURAL CENTER of Seville, a unique and obligatory place for all foreign and local visitors. The authentic MUSEUM OF THE FLAMENCO ART of Seville.

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