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Amalurra Ecohotel & Retreat Center

Organise your event in Amalurra Ecohotel & Retreat Center

Maximum capacity 220 pax

Larger room capacity 200 pax

Distance city centre 1 km

Relevant information


Contact person: Susana Balet Robinson

Barrio la Reneja, 35, Arcentales, Vizcaya

Your event space in Vizcaya

The Ecohotel & Retreat Center Amalurra is an ideal setting for company events (MICE), work meetings, innovation and creativity sessions, cultural activities, incentive trips, group dynamics and/or training in the open air or in one of our rooms and spaces.

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Hotel of 1 stars

Ask for a quotation

If you need a space for events in Vizcaya pide request a quote from Amalurra Ecohotel & Retreat Center, complete the following form so they can get in touch with you and assist with your event.

Maximum capacity 220 pax

Larger room capacity 200 pax

Location 1 km

Amalurra Group dynamics are a very beneficial tool for improving the health of groups, both individually and collectively, as they encourage integration, diversity, the exchange of experiences and connection with others. Our rooms are equipped with the necessary materials to carry out different activities: yoga mats, zafus and cushions, tables, chairs, projector, screen and music equipment. We also offer a coffee break service. From Amalurra we offer you yoga classes, cooking classes, babysitting service, as well as endless possibilities adapted to your needs. This makes Amalurra not only a tool for transformation and change, but also for wellbeing, energy and light for all our clients. With empathy as a fundamental pillar, Amalurra is a meeting and connection point. A resort surrounded by nature, with more than 10 hectares for outdoor activities, multifunctional rooms for organising events and accommodation in hotel rooms, hostels and flats. It also has a cafeteria and a restaurant with high quality cuisine prepared with local products. An ideal setting for all types of meetings, especially those seeking personal and business transformation, with activities that promote physical, mental and emotional well-being and foster a culture of collaboration, internal communication and leadership.

Amalurra hosts MICE events, product presentations, training, workshops, exhibitions, meetings, celebrations, seminars and congresses. Potential Project, Enkarterri Group, HAZI (Basque Government), Open Floor or 5 Rhytms Global, among other organisations, have placed their trust in us.

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