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All Bilbao

Organise your event in All Bilbao

Location Centro de la ciudad

Your event space in Vizcaya

We are a multidisciplinary space in which we work from design, art and fashion, offering to the market innovative ideas of promotion that will reinforce their marketing and communication strategies.
We dedicate ourselves to create a space of collaboration between professionals and brand, merging creativity, Vanguard and innovation, giving attractive content to the brands and diffusion to the different talents that we represent.
The space
It is a multifunctional space of 400 m2 divided into three zones, coworking area and exhibition, multifunctional zone and a kitchen and warehouse in the basement floor.

Photo of All Bilbao 1
Photo of All Bilbao 1

Ask for a quotation

If you need a space for events in Vizcaya pide request a quote from All Bilbao, complete the following form so they can get in touch with you and assist with your event.

Location Vizcaya

Multifunctional area, meeting room and exhibition with great Showcase. Co-working area located on the ground floor of the premises.
Type of activity
Exhibitions, co-working area, workshops, performances, presentations.

NombreNombreSuperficieSuperficieAlturaAlturaDimensionesDimensionesBanqueteBanqueteCocktailCóctelTipo UForma UEscuelaEscuelaTeatroTeatroImperialImperialCabaretCabaretSalaVer sala