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Punto Uno

Organise your event with Punto Uno

Professional/Staff services for your event in Vizcaya

Punto Uno are a team with more than 15 years in the sector of events that continues with the same enthusiasm of the first day. The taste for well-made things and the little things drive them daily. They believe that the most important thing is know-how team with staff, suppliers and customers.

Photo of Punto Uno 1
Photo of Punto Uno 1

Ask for a quotation

If you need a budget of Punto Uno, complete the following form so they can contact you and help you with your event

This track record and philosophy have deep knowledge in coordination, management and execution of events, both at the level of teams and suppliers and partners. Guarantee them good make and the quality of their services, not in vain are the only auxiliary personnel agency approved stamped Convention Bureau Bilbao and Bilbao tourism.

His good press and image, it have been obtained thanks to their customers over more than 15 years of experience in the sector.

Its services include the hostesses and auxiliary staff, the coordination of conferences and events, and Premium experiences.


Punto Uno specializes in event services in the following categories:
