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Grup Pous

Organise your event with Grup Pous

Design, Decoration & Set-up services for your event in Girona

Grup Pous is a company dedicated to the rental of material for parties, banquets, meetings and shows, transport and placement of the material.
They offer a wide range of products and accessories for any type of event.

Photo of Grup Pous 1
Photo of Grup Pous 1

Ask for a quotation

If you need a budget of Grup Pous, complete the following form so they can contact you and help you with your event

Grup Pous Rental of furniture for events

They now also have a new and broad line of equipment for the kitchen. His career is backed by over 70 years of history.
In addition, there is line of laundry Pous S.L. Services, specialized in industrial laundry and restoration in large volumes.
They use high quality products that have no phosphates, thus enabling a better balance of the environment.


Grup Pous specializes in event services in the following categories:
