Cocktail Time
Organise your event with Cocktail Time
Catering for events services for your event in Girona

Un Signature Cocktail o Cocktail de Autor es una bebida que expresa la naturaleza, raíces, productos, costumbres, culturas y/o está inspirado en una história que define la naturaleza de la persona que lo ha creado.
No estamos inventando nada, el Cocktail de Autor o Signature Cocktail en inglés, viene desarrollándose des de mucho antes del siglo XXI. Grandes personajes de la historia de la cocteleria han creado sus firmas y se les conoce por ello.
Hoy en día debido a la información masiva a la que tenemos acceso “gracias” al internet o redes sociales, los locales y empresas de hostelería y dentro de estos, la cocteleria, tenemos que diferenciarnos con el resto, utilizando productos de km0, productos que el público no conoce de diferentes países, técnicas avanzadas de vanguardia, tenemos que estar a la última innovando y aquí es donde entra la creatividad de cada uno.
A Signature Cocktail or Signature Cocktail is a drink that expresses nature, roots, products, customs, cultures and/or is inspired by a story that defines the nature of the person who created it.
We are not inventing anything, the Author Cocktail or Signature Cocktail in English, has been developing from well before the 21st century. Great characters from the history of the cocktail bar have created their signatures and are known for it.
Today, due to the massive information to which we have access “thanks” to the internet or social networks, the premises and hospitality companies and within these, the cocktail bar, we have to differentiate ourselves with the rest, using products of km0, products that the public does not knows from different countries, advanced cutting-edge techniques, we have to be up to date innovating and this is where everyone’s creativity comes in.
At Cocktail Time By Gerard Ruiz, the ultimate inspiration for our creations is the territory. A type of Mediterranean cocktail, varied and complete. Using fresh, fruity products, with touches of citrus, sweet, spicy, salty, with a good balance, with different textures and techniques. Inspired by moments, places, characters, experiences, time. We reach our audience by telling them that the cocktail is not only a liquid that you can like more or less, but the whole history and work that accompanies the drink.
In short, we want the person who enjoys it, to live a unique and unrepeatable experience with us and your events.
Cocktail Time specializes in event services in the following categories: