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Unicongress strengthens its structure and positioning

Unicongress strengthens its structure and positioning

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What is ‘NetZero Events’, the international commitment of the MICE industry? What do ChatGPT and artificial intelligence for events mean? Companies still far from defining sustainability targets in MICE
Jose Maria ávila, will head the division. He has held management position in atlanta> unicongress since 1996. Jordi Traveset, while in atlanta> unicongress has managed hundreds of congresses and events, national and international, will be in charge of Operations. Juanjo Shepherd, graduate in Tourism and with experience in the catering, tourism and congress sectors, assumes […]

Jose Maria ávila, will head the division. He has held management position in atlanta> unicongress since 1996. Jordi Traveset, while in atlanta> unicongress has managed hundreds of congresses and events, national and international, will be in charge of Operations. Juanjo Shepherd, graduate in Tourism and with experience in the catering, tourism and congress sectors, assumes the Sales Management.

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