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The Core PCO is NOT dead â

The Core PCO is NOT dead â

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What is ‘NetZero Events’, the international commitment of the MICE industry? What do ChatGPT and artificial intelligence for events mean? Companies still far from defining sustainability targets in MICE
The association event market (mainly congresses) has utterly changed in the last years. Traditionaly, to organise their congresses, associations used to have a group of associates in charge of the organisation of the event who in turn contracted a local PCO for each congress. Due to their professionalisation, associations started to contract â

The association event market (mainly congresses) has utterly changed in the last years. Traditionaly, to organise their congresses, associations used to have a group of associates in charge of the organisation of the event who in turn contracted a local PCO for each congress. Due to their professionalisation, associations started to contract â

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