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Some three million persons participated yearly in meetings, congresses and conventions in the 38 Spanish cities dedicated to this type of tourism offer, confirmed the Director of Turespaña, Amparo Fernandez.
Fernandez, together with the President of Cabildo de Lanzarote, Franciso Cabrera, and the President of the Federación Española de Municipios y Provincias, Franciso Candela, attended the closing of the Annual Assembly of the Spain Convention Bureau last Friday, (04/03/2005), a network that integrates 38 Spanish cities that are dedicated to congresses as a new tourism segment to diversify the offer. The representative of Turespaña indicared that conventions and congresses “have a large importance, more than just numeric importance, but also by the expense level of the participants”.
Each one of the three million de yearly participants in these events have an average expense per day that is three times more than that of a conventional tourist in any other type of tourism in Spainâ