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The Barcelo Group has adhered to the “Conduct Code of the tourist sector for children protection against the sexual trade exploitation”, a specific instrument for companies in tourism that defines a series of actions to fight against the sexual trade of minors.
Javier Berastain, General Manager of Europa Vacacional and member of the Barcelo Steering Committee, signed last 16th January with Josep Anton Arrebola, General Secretary of L’Associació Catalana per la infància maltractada, the conduct code. The signing of the document implies the consideration of Barcelo’s hotels as safe places, dissuading the possible abusers of coming to their hotels, and soliciting the active collaboration of all employees, clients and suppliers.
According to the World Tourism Organization and UNICEF, close to 1.8 million children are exploited by the sex industry. Currently, close to 250 companies in 27 countries have signed the document.