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Rethink 2008, latest trends in communication

Rethink 2008, latest trends in communication

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The third edition of the International Forum Rethink the basis of communication will be held on 5th and 6th March 2008 in the new ONCE corporate building in Barcelona. A new generation of gurus of the marketing and the communication will meet in Barcelona to share knowledge and to debate. This year, the main speaker […]

The third edition of the International Forum Rethink the basis of communication will be held on 5th and 6th March 2008 in the new ONCE corporate building in Barcelona. A new generation of gurus of the marketing and the communication will meet in Barcelona to share knowledge and to debate.

This year, the main speaker is Mary Lou Quinlan, an expert in marketing strategies, mass consumption and brand construction, and heads the company “Just Ask to Woman” which brings the feminine view of mass consumption.

Other speakers include Angel Arrese from the University of Navarre and Oscar Jamhouri from Integration, Shripad Nadkarni, Director of MarketGate Consulting in India, Joost Van Nispen, well-known expert in direct and interactive marketing and Gemma Cernuda, Socia-founder of Peix and Co.

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