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On the 26th of May in Hotel Alimara in Barcelona was the presentation of the XXI edition of the Alimara Awards called by CETT and the International Tourism Show of Catalonia, to recognise the effort and the quality of the tourism promotion material of the public institutions and the companies of the sector.
The event was presided by the Director of the Department of the Presidency of the Generalitat of Catalonia, Josep Bargalló, accompanied by the Director of Trade, Tourism and Consumer Affairs, Josep Huguet. For CETT, it was represented by its President Gaspar Espuña.
Among the winners, there were the tourism campaigns of the Provincial Deputation of Huesca, and Castilla La Mancha. The spirit of Quijote, presented by the Junta of Castilla La Mancha, the promotional material of “The Routes of Wine and Cavaâ€Â, presented by the Consorci de Promoció Turística de l’Alt Penedès, the Hotel Sant Roc de Solsona and the Asociación de Restaurantes El Plat Blau, while in the companies section, the awards went to the travel catalogue of TANDEM 04-05, and for the promotional material of the Agencia de Turismo Ecológico Entrevinos.
For webs, the public sector awards were given to Portugal and to Oriol Balaguer in Barcelona for the private sector.
To be highlighted this year, the Special Alimara was awarded to Miquel Calzada for his Afers Exteriors series, transmitted by TV3, that brought the viewers to know different countries in a different way, through the vision and the lifestyles of the Catalans that live in them.
After the award presentation, a celebration was held for the guests in the gardens of the hotel.