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New recruitments in Grupo Sanca

New recruitments in Grupo Sanca

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Elena Ruiz-Mateos, with over ten years experience in marketing and sales, is the new marketing and communication manager of Sanca, Rentalmedia and DecoraTú. Mariano Ramirez will boost innovation in the POS and outdoor advertising as well as decoration services of the company. And Mary Sarailidou is responsible for the online portal Decoratú, an area that […]

Elena Ruiz-Mateos, with over ten years experience in marketing and sales, is the new marketing and communication manager of Sanca, Rentalmedia and DecoraTú. Mariano Ramirez will boost innovation in the POS and outdoor advertising as well as decoration services of the company. And Mary Sarailidou is responsible for the online portal Decoratú, an area that offers copies of photographs and art pieces.

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