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The space was created as a platform for online and offline content, open to participation and with a wide range of activities linked to the interests of young people. The events will be open to the general public, although imaginBank clients will enjoy exclusive events and special advantages. The imaginCafé is located in one of the most central points of Barcelona: calle Pelayo 11, between Plaza Universidad and Plaza Catalunya.
A complete program of events. The space will promote an extensive program of cultural initiatives from all areas, linked to the interests of young people: music, technology, gaming, creative industries… Among the planned activities, there are concerts and live shows, DJ sessions, film screenings , video art shows, exhibitions, presentations, conferences… Likewise, the imaginCafé will support young entrepreneurs and creators with specific events.
A variety of spaces summing 1,200m2. Distributed over three floors, the space has a restaurant space, exhibition areas, many spaces where millennials can simply go to chill-out, recharge their laptops and work with a coffee in hand, as well as areas for workshops and training sessions and an auditorium for 250 people. Following the current styles, it combines a very natural decoration, full of wood, with a lot of technology, specifically LED screens for audiovisual exhibition. When we visited it, we discovered two painters’ exhibitions spread across the space, as well as a gaming area. And a nod to the origin of the space: you can still enter the bank’s safe room.
A digital content platform. One of the main characteristics of the project is that everything that happens in the physical space will also be reflected in the online environment. For this, it has the web www.imagin.cafe, with all the information of the activities. The website will become an online content platform for young people.
Objective: make the brand tangible. The imaginCafé will be open to the public, although imaginBank clients will have exclusive activities, premium content and advantages. The idea of the imaginCafé is to make tangible the characteristics of the imaginBank brand: innovation, instantaneity, online-offline union, interaction with users, reflection of the interests of young people…
The space has the support of major brands, interested in the characteristics of the project and its commitment to innovation and creativity, and this famous millennial target. Rodilla will manage the restoration space; Samsung has set up a movie projection room with a “pic nic” design. Movistar, Adidas, BCN Tech City and ESL are other sponsors, and educational entities such as SAE, Universitat de Barcelona and Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, will collaborate with the activities of the project.