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Codilink and Movistar realise together mobile ticketing for the MobileMonday Peer Awards

Codilink and Movistar realise together mobile ticketing for the MobileMonday Peer Awards

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Codilink applied a new mobile ticketing system (accreditations for mobile telephone) for Telefonica-Movistar in the MobileMonday Peer Awards 2008, within the Barcelona GSM. The persons who had registered to the event received a code directly in their mobile telephone through SMS with Wap Link and by MMS. Also there was the option to get it […]

Codilink applied a new mobile ticketing system (accreditations for mobile telephone) for Telefonica-Movistar in the MobileMonday Peer Awards 2008, within the Barcelona GSM. The persons who had registered to the event received a code directly in their mobile telephone through SMS with Wap Link and by MMS. Also there was the option to get it by e-mail. This code, unique and personal, served as the entrance ticket to the venue. The reading and validation were realised by Codilink readers.

Codilink offers this identification technology which works with bar code, but with other appearance. Already it has generated over 20 million coupons, tickets and loyalty cards for its clients.

A system that is accepted by the attendees, such as for a technological event like this one: over 500 persons registered online and 400 used this code system for their accreditation in-situ: 77 % showed the code in their mobile, 23 % in their e-mails.

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