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The President of the Organización Capital de la Cultura Catalana, Xavier Tudela, has proposed to the mayor of Barcelona, Joan Clos, to solicit to be the European Capital for Culture for the year 2016, when Spain will be awarded again the Capital status. Until now, Spain has had three European capitals for Culture: Madrid in 1992, Santiago de Compostela in 2000 and Salamanca in 2002.
The Organización Capital de la Cultura Catalana has participated in a study on the cultural capitals in Europe, published by Robert Palmer commissioned by the European Commission. The study analysed the history of these capitals and detailed the new system designated from 2005 to 2018.
In reference to the Capital of the Cultura Catalana, on the coming 20th October, the next capital for 2006 will be recognised, which will make the change to Banyoles (Girona) and to Espareguera (Barcelona) in 2005. Up to this moment, there are eight candidates for the third capital status: Amposta, Montblanc (Tarragona), Calella, Manlleu, Vic (Barcelona), Sant joan de les Abadesses, Torroella de Montgrí (Girona) and Mollerussa (Lleida).
Source: Europa Press