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The issue of procurement is especially delicate, and difficult to fully normalise.
But we should welcome this initiative, in a country that has improved in recent years another issue that greatly affects agencies (payment terms) thanks to a regulation that forces them to pay within 30 days and, though not 100% applied, improved this touchy subject for agencies.
The standard of procurement relations between companies has been prepared jointly by the “Médiation du crédit” (a public entity that provides access to credit) and the “Compagnie des Dirigeants et acheteurs de France” (association of purchasing managers), with the idea of getting buyers to put in place improvements in the treatment of their suppliers, especially SMEs.
Today this standard has been signed by 400 companies, of which nine agencies members of Anae. Of these two are represented in Spain: Creative Spirit (here under the brand Eventive) and MCI.
This rule can be seen in
So do we speak of good intentions empty or really concrete decisions and recommendations? The level of implementation remains to be seen, but some recommendations do go in the right direction. And it´s worth it to get suppliers and clients committed to improving relations on the whole chain.