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Wallvideo in charge of the audiovisual communication of the Conde de Godó Trophy

Wallvideo in charge of the audiovisual communication of the Conde de Godó Trophy

Wallvideo Comunicacion Audiovisual was in charge of the audiovisual communication of the Open Seat 2006 which took place in the Real Club de Tenis de Barcelona. The company was responsible for the set up and technical services of the visualisation systems through TV monitors in the facilities, as well as the plasma and TV vi ...

D-Link organises the D-Link Code seminaries road shows

D-Link organises the D-Link Code seminaries road shows

D-Link, the extreme to extreme net solutions provider for consumers and companies, will present their latest solutions of the channel through five seminaries for professionals, in which they will present their latest products such as the Family of IP Cameras and the xStack DGS-3400 Gigabit Layer2+ Communters; and their secur ...
