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Groups and Meetings among the main source of online revenue

Groups and Meetings among the main source of online revenue

Companies seeking the next big travel opportunity need to explore the groups and meetings arena, according to a new report published by PhoCusWright Inc. This market is key for e-commerce and is one of the latest revenue channels for online sector. The forecast for 2008 is that the meeting market in the United Status reaches ...

Innevento organises a working session on new marketing trends applied to events

Innevento organises a working session on new marketing trends applied to events

On the 5th February, the event agency Innevento organised a working session with approximately 75 attendees, mainly event professionals, from large companies in Bilbao and Madrid, at the Camara de Comercio de Bilbao. Eric Mottard from Grupo eventoplus gave a presentation on “Events and Marketing trends”. In the p ...
