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2,500 is the number of news that Grupo eventoplus has published in the News secti ...

Imaginarte gets an Alce award for â

Imaginarte gets an Alce award for â

The agency Imaginarte was given the “Best Event” award, for its already famous post-holiday syndrome 3.0, as well as in three other categories. The seventh edition of the Alce Awards, organised by the 361

A study by Yeti highlights the importance of emotional capital

A study by Yeti highlights the importance of emotional capital

Yeti, with the collaboration of the universities Alfonso X El Sabio of Madrid and La Salle Ramon Llull of Barcelona, has highlighted the results of the second edition of “The Emotional Capital in the Spanish company” study. This study, whose first edition was held in 2006, provides a measure of the emotional capi ...
