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Malaga will host five international conferences in four months

Malaga will host five international conferences in four months

The Annual Conference of Medical Education AMEE 2009, the XIX SEDEM Congress, the First International Conference of Universal Design, the III International Congress InmoSolar Málaga 2009 and the II Summit of Cities and Local Governments of the Mediterranean are the five international conferences that will be hosted during th ...

The German market is alive and still values Spain

The German market is alive and still values Spain

With the market study "MMM - MICE market monitor", the agency tmf GmbH analyses since 2004 the major German-speaking markets. Its latest survey reveals that the German market has decreased but is still alive and is still an opportunity for Spain...

3D not enough

3D not enough

To promote itself, the Merlin Entertainments London Eye is about to launch a 4D movie. 4D combines 3D film with physical or multisensory effects such a ...
