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CWT offers seven tips to reduce hotel costs

CWT offers seven tips to reduce hotel costs

Room for Savings: Optimizing Hotel Spend is the research done it by Carlson Wagonlit Travel (CWT), a company specialised in travel Management Company, identifies seven steps to reduce up to 21% hotel expenditure in corporate travel.

OPC España and FEAAV sign a cooperation agreement

The president of the Federation of PCO Associations (OPC España), Ascension Duran, and the president of the Spanish Federation of Associations of Travel Agents (FEAAV), Rafael Gallego, have signed a collaboration agreement in which both entities agree to develop joint promotion actions in the congress market.

A new tool for event organisers

A new tool for event organisers

ReviewEvents is a website with a venue directory (mostly located in Europe), but where meeting planners post their comments about the quality of each p ...

Heavent leaves the tent for its 2009 edition

Heavent leaves the tent for its 2009 edition

The French trade show of the French special events market, which took place for 8 years under a tent at the Longchamp Racecourse in Paris, a certainly unexpected location, although not always practice, that gave the trade show a unique character in keeping with the market it serves.
