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XVIII National Meeting of the PCOs in the El Puerto de Santa Maria

XVIII National Meeting of the PCOs in the El Puerto de Santa Maria

The location of El Puerto de Santa Maria (Cadiz) will host during the days of 10th, 11th and 12th of February in 2005, the XVIII National Meeting of the Federación Española de Empresas Profesionales de Congresos. The program of the said meeting is already being profiled and waiting for the latest details. Membe ...

The Manager Business Forum, meeting point for more than 3000 directors

The Manager Business Forum, meeting point for more than 3000 directors

The Palacio Municipal de Congresos de Campo de las Nacion will hold the ninth edition of the Manager Business Forum. In this occasion, more than 3,000 directors from public administration, SMEs, banking entities, as well as professionals from finance, marketing, human resources and information technologies will be present du ...
