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Recovery of the profits of European hotels in 2004

Recovery of the profits of European hotels in 2004

According to the Annual Report on Hotel Profitability made by Deloitte, European hotels achieved a 7% increase in profit per available room in 2004. The hotels generated an additional profit of 1.000 Euros per available room last year, reaching 15.000 Euros, compared to the 14.000 Euros obtained in 2003. Germany gathered som ...

La Masia dâ

La Masia dâ

The new Xaloc hall has capacity for 250 people, natural light and a view to the g ...

Fernando Le Monnier recruited by Kivicom

Fernando Le Monnier recruited by Kivicom

The special activities agency for companies has incorporated Fernando Le Monnier as the new Marketing and Sales Manager. Fernando graduated in Business Administration (UB) and Marketing Management (EADA), in addition to being one of the founding members of the Spanish event agency association, Asociación Españo ...

New Derby hotel in Barcelona

New Derby hotel in Barcelona

The Derby Hotels chain will open the Hotel Granados 83 in Barcelona at the end of the year. Located in this street and number, this new boutique hotel combines the traditional Barcelona architecture of the begining of the 20th century with a minimal interior. The four-star Granados 83 has New York loft style rooms and […]
