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Case Studies

Web 2.0 against breast cancer.

Web 2.0 against breast cancer.

Social networks are no longer a mere sounding board for events: they have assumed a primary importance for its success. GMR Marketing España developed an awareness campaign called "The Pink Energy" for Energizer. Web 2.0 was the main responsible of its notoriety.

´Al Andalus Dream´ in Marbella

´Al Andalus Dream´ in Marbella

A magical dinner set in the Al Andalus was the highlight of an incentive for Acura organized by Creatur in Madrid, Marbella and Tangier: a fully themed space with shows and arabic decoratation that recreated the charm of the Arabian Nights.

Calle 13´s Kitchen smells like the seventh art

Calle 13´s Kitchen smells like the seventh art

To celebrate the tenth anniversary of Calle 13, Shackleton set "La Cocina de Calle 13", a restaurant that opened to the public for a month offering unique dishes that emerged from the imagination of chef Dario Barrio.
