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EMA-Talk: are you ready to handle a crisis in your event?
Associations · Barcelona

EMA-Talk: are you ready to handle a crisis in your event?

Your event opens its doors in half an hour, at Fira Barcelona... but there is a trailer burning in the parking lot behind your pavilion. Thousands of people have to enter within half an hour, but there is this fire, smoke that can be seen from afar, the adjacent street cut off (affecting traffic) and you do not know if the t ...

MIS shows us how to be disruptive!
ALL · Madrid

MIS shows us how to be disruptive!

By Elena Monsalve The annual conference organised by Grupo eventoplus gathered more than 540 professionals from the meetings and events industry in Sp ...

Innovative training spaces within the Mobile World Congress
Congresses · Barcelona

Innovative training spaces within the Mobile World Congress

Training is a booming asset within the fairs, especially the technology ones (and especially in the king of technological events ...), forcing the organizers to innovate also in this field. In fact, the production of new ephemeral spaces to host conferences and work sessions has multiplied in the MWC. More auditoriums and th ...
