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Live Nation’s Iain Hill on how the live music industry faces this crisis

Live Nation’s Iain Hill on how the live music industry faces this crisis

Eric Mottard This is our close cousin. Part of the event industry, though we are not talking about corporate events, live music has also been on the frontline of cancellations and prohibitions to hold events during the Covid crisis. But they are adapting and coming up with other formats of events and (as often in the past) ...

How are hotels and spaces prepared for reopening?

How are hotels and spaces prepared for reopening?

A week after the possible reopening of the hotels, although some do not contemplate opening with only a third of the occupation, what we do see is that there are already many with protocols and security and hygiene measures prepared, still lacking an official notification. on the exact requirements for reopening. The hotels, ...

Top ten tech innovations for 2020 by James Morgan

Top ten tech innovations for 2020 by James Morgan

Your innovation can come from your brilliant ideas… or simply from spotting the best new services just as they appear. Luck you, we talked to tech guru James Morgan (organizer or Event Tech Live) and he brings us ten really cool event technologies to watch out for in 2020. Event planners, providers, speakers, staff or visito ...
