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Key factors for choosing a venue

Key factors for choosing a venue

The location is one of the key components in an event, as well as one of the main attractions for guests to attend. Here are some suggestions on how to ...

Plan a successful party

Plan a successful party

In every year-end party, employees are ready to relax and enjoy. Behind all the fun and good times during the party, there are some key things that should not be overlooked. The year-end party is like any other event First of all, even though the objective of a year-end party maybe to have a good […]

How to obtain adequate sponsorship for your event

How to obtain adequate sponsorship for your event

Obtaining funding and corporate sponsorship can be a very challenging task. Here are some tips to make the process easier. Define the type of sponsorship according to the event Before you begin looking for sponsors, you have to define the type of sponsorship your event require. Identify a list with all the details of what [& ...

Make your teams great!

Make your teams great!

What motivates people to work as a team? What moves them to give everything they can? Here are some guidelines ...
