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Actividades: Orientation to the test Go on a hiking tour, with the help of GPS, snow rackets and walking sticks. The orientation and ability are the tw ...

Get more budget for your events

Get more budget for your events

Who do not want to have more money to organise an event? How many difficulties and obstacles can we overcome with limited budget? Bearing in mind that resources are limited, here are a few guidelines to get more money for your next event. Show it with numbers

Get word-of-mouth marketing in trade shows

Get word-of-mouth marketing in trade shows

When thinking up new strategies to attract our target audience to our stand in a trade show we try to be as innovative as possible: animations, interactive demonstrations, a visually attractive standÂ… But we usually forget a very ancient technique which can also be highly effective: word-of-mouth marketing. And, whoÂ’s bett ...

Turn a conference into an idea factory

Turn a conference into an idea factory

Turn your next conference into a brainstorming platform. Encourage everyone to take part and generate value through their contributions. Any conference can be turned in an
