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Jean Nouvel presents the Renaissance Barcelona Fira Hotel

Jean Nouvel presents the Renaissance Barcelona Fira Hotel

Jean Nouvel wanted to present personally to the press one of his latest ´creatures´, the Renaissance Barcelona Fira Hotel. With its spectacular vertical garden on two 110m-high towers, this hotel opened in September is already one of the architectural musts of the city.                                                         ...

Collective agility

Collective agility

 The Power of 10 Study was commissioned from Fast Future Research by IMEX - with the aim of giving

Embracing Change

Embracing Change

 Let´s welcome Generation Y and Z, they´re here to stay. It is not only about a g ...

The crème de la crème in trade fairs connects in Valencia

The crème de la crème in trade fairs connects in Valencia

 Associations in our industry are recent creatures. Not the Union of International Fairs (UFI), which appeared in... 1925, to represent and promote international trade fairs. This world made of large exhibition organisers (we saw Reed Exhibitions and easyFairs) and even larger venues (how many hundreds of thousands of m2 do ...
