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What´s an innovative conference?

What´s an innovative conference?

  Definitely the answer will be given this week in FRESH14, the conference "not-to-be missed" about meeting design. In this third edition, the subject will develop the value of human dimension in meetings. See here new ideas and techniques that will be displayed in FRESH14 following the steps of a good events.



 We are event-addicts, and when Trendwatching published their 2014 trends, we rea ...

Marrakech with your five senses

Marrakech with your five senses

 Within 90 minutes´ flight is this city one of the favorite of Spanish travelers. Marrakech concentrates almost 90% of the events and over 9,000 annual conferences of the country: it combines competitive prices, proximity, exoticism, warm weather during winter months and front line infrastructures. We propose you some ideas ...
