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Teatro Arriaga

Organise your event in Teatro Arriaga

Maximum capacity 1.200 pax

Location Centro de la ciudad

Your event space in Vizcaya

Teatro Arriaga

The activity of the Teatro Arriaga is mainly oriented to the programming itself, with different cycles: opera, zarzuela, ballet, concerts, theater, musicals, open scene… When this activity of the theater allows it, its different rooms and spaces are rented to companies, associations and institutions for the celebration of different events, meetings and cocktails.

Photo of Teatro Arriaga 1
Photo of Teatro Arriaga 1

Ask for a quotation

If you need a space for events in Vizcaya pide request a quote from Teatro Arriaga, complete the following form so they can get in touch with you and assist with your event.

Maximum capacity 1.200 pax

Location Vizcaya

Located in the Old Town of Bilbao, the Teatro Arriaga was the first centenary on May 31, 1990, which it arrived completely renovated after the renovation and restoration works. They were made with taste and respect for the conception of the architect Rucoba, creator of this building. The furniture follows the style of the time, as well as the splendid carpets, embroidered by the Royal National Tapestry Factory.

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