How can agencies and suppliers collaborate better? One solution is to organise a meeting between the agenc ...
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How can agencies and suppliers collaborate better? One solution is to organise a meeting between the agenc ...
We talked about them in our eventos magazine, interviewed Ursula Mejia Melgar (marketing director at Diage ...
SOMOS Experiences, la agencia líder en eventos y comunicación, se ha posicionado entre las tres ...
Barcelona, la joya mediterránea de España, conocida por su arquitectura impresionante, su rica cultura y s ...
En Espacio Cromátika te ofrecemos un catálogo de servicios aún más completo y renovado. Hemos incorporado ...
During the opening of the 61st ICCA Congress in Kraków, ICCA World members voted Marta Gomes as their new ...
We all know the madness that we have experienced in recent months in Spain’s event activity, but… how are ...
Josep Raventos, a professional with 14 years experience in events and entertainment, whose career include ...
We asked to the director of El Teniente Sam, Barbara Antón, whence comes the name of your agency.
"The force of live events is irreplaceable" On the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the Group eventopl ...
They head BHA´s ranking of event agencies in Europe. Grass Roots has five activities which all revolve aro ...
They are one of the most controversial practices of our industry: procurement departments in some large Sp ...
The session, organised Turing EIBTM, aimed to understand better this essential component of the meetings a ...
Innevento becomes part of the Club para la Excelencia, a group of important Spanish event agencies (there ...
You have heard about the new sensation in town..., the popular free micro-blog webs, is causin ...
Creartys, an artists and performance company for events was just launched. Led by Cedric Mérand and headqu ...
It´s a very well known fact that a good event uses a variety of resources to communicate: decoration, musi ...
It could be a good idea for destinations to listen to their clients and to experts of the meetings and eve ...