Superheroes deploy their powers at the Everis summer party
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The superheroes took care of the pre-event communication. Being the most important internal meeting of the company, the teaser communication actions have a special weight and began weeks before the meeting; including visits of superheroes to the offices, advertising campaigns of the academy or posters and comics of the “heroes” designed for the event. All this reinforced with diffusion in social networks and through the informative app of registration and live participation in the event.
The Everis Superhero Academy opens its doors. On the day of the celebration, the Multipurpose Pavilion of Casa de Campo was completely covered with the graphic image of the event, corporeal figures of superheroes, along with a stage and audiovisual set up that made the assistant feel superpowered. With the ring of the upper level and the track fully enabled for the meeting, the agglomerations were avoided by having more than 150 meters of bar to serve food and drink to the 3,000 guests.
Animations and atmosphere full of super powers. Actors-impesonators and acrobats walked among the audience, while VR experiences and interactive photocalls related to the theme of superheroes and their extraordinary powers could be enjoyed. Once the atmosphere was lively and with the public feeling no less than Aquaman or SpiderMan, the artists of Music Has No Limits took the stage with their sound show, costumes, lights and audiovisuals. And after the concert a master of ceremonies and a DJ took the stage, inviting to dance until the early hours among superheroes, projection games, lasers, pyrotechnics and dozens of games and competitions.