In a village of La Mancha… BMW opened a windmill for its press conference

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And to combine this ingenuity and tradition, the agency thought of the Molinos de Consuegra in Toledo and their connection with Don Quixote. The BMW X, a pioneering model – the first of the brand in the range of the Sports Activity Vehicle – in the scenario of what is considered the first modern novel of universal literature and at the same time a classic of the letters.
With this thread the agency was responsible for the administrative procedures to ensure that for four days the tourists who visit the 1,000 m2 of the enclave of the mills of Consuegra were replaced by the ten BMWs that were available to journalists. In addition, one of the mills was customized with the branding of BMX, changing their usual blades for others, in which you could read BMW. The field at the foot of the mills was harvested by marking the shape of a huge X5 that could be seen from the heights of these giant blades.
On the way to Consuegra, the journalists made a series of circuits designed to test the off-road capabilities of the car, ending up on the hill where the Consuegra mills are located. There they circulated with the car on the road that runs from mill to mill, where usually you can only walk on foot, to finish at the top of the area.
In the first mill, an appetizer awaited them upon arrival, to find in the second one the space where the press conference would take place and finishing in the third with lunch. The tour and the transitions from one mill to another were accompanied by actors who represented Don Quixote and Sancho Panza -continuing with the storytelling of the event.