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Chill-out presentation for journalists for the new electricity brand of Portugal
Venue: Lisbon, Portugal
Date: 1 de septiembre 2006
Nº of guests: 80, mainly journalists
Organised by: Desafío Global
“Come and get to know a energy in your dimension”, announced the invitation, without revealing the brand to the invited journalists. The mysterious communication has a fresh design, with organic shapes in red and in some cases, accompanied by a large red puff. It was a way to capture attention and to communicate values such as innovation, comfort and the sub-brand of the electricity company in Portugal, conceived in the context of the liberalisation of the energy market. Upon arrival at the Museo de la Electricidad de Lisboa, the venue was decorated, from the giant cloths to the uniform of the hostesses, with a distinctive graphic identity as the invitation, even though the mystery was still not revealed: there was no appearance of the name and the presentation area was closed by four large walls with truss and printed cloths. Only two slogans were seen, “more innovation, more environment…” Alter the welcome cocktail, a voice-off accompanied by music started the presentation. The walls were dropped in six seconds by copmputer controlled motors, opening the presentation area to the guests. The area was informal with coloured puffs as seats and the management did their presentations seated on bar-stools . The presentation was projected on plasma screens. The new brand was then revealed (“edp 5d”). This event was Publisher in issue 7 of the eventos Magazine, the referente publication for event professionals. In eventoplus, we only Publisher a selection of articles from the eventos Magazine.
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