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Blackberry combines street marketing and Web actions to reach its users

Blackberry combines street marketing and Web actions to reach its users

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Do you really know your Blackberry? To show the true potential of its smartphones, Blackberry combined Web 2.0 with street actions. This was the first Blackberry online event with open practical sessions in Spain. To make it happen, Movistar and Research In Motion (RIM) chose agencies Tribeca and Love Publicidad.

On the 17th of September, Blackberry brought out all its tools for users. The virtual component of the advertising campaign was an online video based on plastecine characters, in which a user discovers in a funny way all the things her Blackberry can do.

To enhance the video, an Internet microsite was created (, which was the gateway to the Facebook group of the brand, and to the first Blackberry Quiz that has been created for this social network. It is a test that measures the knowledge that the participant has about Blackberry.

The campaign was combined with street marketing actions in Madrid and Barcelona. For a few days, promoters distributed around 3,500 roses to those who carry a Blackberry. Each of these roses came with was a card with the message: “You didn´t expect your BlackBerry to give you a flower? Maybe there are so many other things that remain to be discovered. If you want to know all the charms of your BlackBerry, you have an appointment on”.

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