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What type of screens to use: LCD vs. Plasma

What type of screens to use: LCD vs. Plasma

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With technology presenting itself with new products, even projection screens have evolved. Today, many event organisers use either a LCD or a plasma screen for small projection. Both technologies are suitable for high-resolution and wide-screen needs and each has its qualities for presentations. But if you have to choose between either one, what do you […]

With technology presenting itself with new products, even projection screens have evolved. Today, many event organisers use either a LCD or a plasma screen for small projection. Both technologies are suitable for high-resolution and wide-screen needs and each has its qualities for presentations. But if you have to choose between either one, what do you need to know?

Light in the environment
When in a very bright room or environment, it is better to use a LCD screen as it is a brighter technology and reflects less light. So, when the environment has lesser light, a plasma screen will provide better result.

Group size
For smaller and intimate events, use a screen of 26- to 32-inch and a 50- to 60-inch range for larger group. One screen would be visible for up to a maximum of 20 people while the larger one would go up to 40 persons.

Projection type
Even though this is probably visible only to the technical experts, it is still good to know. For video projections with lots of screen changes, a plasma screen is better as it has faster refresh rates. For more static presentations where there are only minor text changes, LCD is better as there is a less chance of getting a

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