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Seven trends. Forget those not relevant for events and we are left with four. Here they are…
Guilt- free status. People want status, luxury, but in a world of environmental concern, massive inequality, don´t want a bad aftertaste. So here come luxury- and status-oriented services, but with an important social or environmental component.
For events? In a moment when we wonder if incentive is back, in which firms have extreme caution with their image in events, events with a responsible dimension will triumph. Because being helpful is what motivates and satisfies, as is shown by several studies ( for example). So… for years we have spoken of responsible events, but their time could be coming.
Crowd-shaped. This evolution of crowdsourcing means people offer their data, profiles, experiences which leads to new products and services. As they say , technologies that facilitate the creation and sharing of data streams will become even more pervasive, and consumer expectations will be amplified due to this omnipresence”.
For events? Each attendee is a gold mine of information, data, experiences, and let´s face it , our industry has been bad at explaining why these data are valuable to the collective knowledge of the public. The authors even mention the definition (and redefinition) of a real-time service in relation to the preferences of people in an office, a restaurant, a plane: anywhere now” (they don´t say “events” but we know you´ve completed yourself…). So you know: In 2014, think in which information the attendees may provide, how you can use it, what parts of the event they may define themselves, etc.
Michiatry. The authors argue that, although there are many applications for physical health care, the next step will be that consumers will accept innovations also help them monitor and improve their mental wellbeing. Yes – we will continue with pilates and zumba, but the care of the brain will become THE priority. Trendwatching quote services that monitor your mood, your stress level… and adapt the experience (the music you listen to, for example) to this state.
For events? Several consequences, from the continued development of new experiences such as yoga, zen, meditation, better than paintball for your head. Maybe even the event would have to adapt to the mood of the target? Or know that with an increasingly cyclothymic, stressed target, it is better not to bombard it with triumphalist messages one-size-fits-all at the convention. Yes, customization is complicated, but at least stick with the idea that caring and considering the mood of delegates is fundamental.
No data. Here comes the opposite of “big data”. In fact there may be a conflict between this trend and “crowd-shaped” (but who said the world was simple?). People increasingly value services which don´t ask for their data. This huge trust will be a key asset for companies that don´t request data and resist bombarding with offers of 15 sponsors…
For events? Events have exhibitors, sponsors, multiple moments of data acquisition. And surely you squeeze your user data to please your sponsors. But if you want the most important customers and VIPs to come, then you should consider guaranteeing that they will be fully owners of their data.