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Sponsorship, the link between brand and consumer

Sponsorship, the link between brand and consumer

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Formula 1, American’s Cup, football Â… they all have one thing in common among the fans: passion. Sponsorship is one of the most effective ways of communication and one that most involve the consumers. We give you some tips to bear in mind if you are thinking to sponsor some event. Not only sports Â… […]

Formula 1, American’s Cup, football Â… they all have one thing in common among the fans: passion. Sponsorship is one of the most effective ways of communication and one that most involve the consumers. We give you some tips to bear in mind if you are thinking to sponsor some event.

Not only sports Â…
It is necessary to connect with the consumers through their passions. However, sponsorship is not limit only to sports events. Think of other disciplines that generate passions such as music, and look for the market opportunity. You must think about this sponsorship as a reflection of your brand positioning.

Â… Not only for big companies
Not only big companies can sponsor events. Smaller companies with lower budget can sponsor local events with a strong local market reach. For example, a brand of refrigerators sponsored a local music festival and placed its refrigerators in the event so the crowd can enjoy a cold drink. Creativity, not only the budget, can also help to achieve the objectives.

Points to bear in mind
– Apply the intellectual and strategic rigor like in any other marketing disciplines.
– Assure yourself that the association with another brand or the event adds real value.
– Flexibility in the sponsorship conditions since brand communication is something that grows and changes with the time.
– The sponsorship does not work alone, it needs to form part of an integrated communication strategy with a 360º vision.
– Use tools such as the Personality Map or Image Signature Value to understand the audience.
– Assure yourself that the association will add value to the consumer.

Threats for sponsorship
As in any communication action, there are aspects to look out for since they can derive in threats:
– The lack of a strategic plan and unclear objectives.
– Poor sponsorship platforms.
– That our brand gets “outshined” by others.
– Did not quantify the ROI.
– Pay too much.
– That the other sponsors harm our image.
– Non-official Sponsoring
– Ambush marketing (an event proprietor to any marketing campaign which takes place around the event but does not involve payment of a sponsorship fee to the event)

And in a not too distant future
Do not limit the sponsorship to the offline media, since progressively sponsorship are done more and more on online channels, as the consumer moves increasingly to this type of platforms. Study a sponsorship activity and how it is possible to apply in the different interactive channels.

And finally think about the integration of disciplines or activities. For example, a Formula 1 team that is sponsored by a soccer team, or hotel chain that sponsors the venue of a concert.

Article based on the conference "Engaging consumers around the World” of Julian Yeomans given in Rethink 2008.

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