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Imagine you can monitor the emotions of your audience

Imagine you can monitor the emotions of your audience

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We all know that the key to having impactful events lies in emotionally engaging with the audience. But how do you build a true, 360° picture of how emotionally engaging events are, of what works and what doesn’t? Sensum uses physiological data such as heart rate and skin-sweat response to find out what works and what doesn’t, and help define better programmes. We talk to their CEO and Co-Founder Gawain Morrison. The future is now?

What can wearable technology and physiological data bring to events?

Using wearable technology, such as fitness trackers, to track physiological data from your audience or speakers can help you fine tune your event to be more emotionally engaging. You can monitor whether your audience are enjoying themselves, which messages they feel most positive or negative about and part of the event they most engaged with. You can also use this technology to help coach and improve your spokespeople’s presentation skills, and shape your strategy. 

With what kind of devices?

Our platform allows organisers to tap into any device with a sensor to measure interesting information: smart glasses, Go Pro cameras, smartphones, Fit Bits and virtual reality headsets…

An example of serious event which involved a specific work on emotions?

We worked alongside Cisco’s business communications team to utilise attendee surveys, apps, biometric, and wearable technology to build a 360° picture of how emotionally engaging their events were. And we helped Rexona build a real-time motion and emotion sensitive charity fundraising concert: The more people moved & raised their heart-rate, the more money they donated to the cause.  

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