How green was COP15?
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Sustainability: not at any cost! Danes are green, but not crazy: sustainability could not be more important than safety or than the results of the conference. The priorities were the following:
1. Safety
2. Results of the event, of the debates
3. Showcase of green technologies to stimulate their development
4. Sustainability of the event
What was done?
– More than 65% of food was organic and all the coffee was organic too. The water served was tapwater bottled onsite.
– 127 green cars and limos were imported from Germany. Interesting to hear from Jan-Christoph that importing them was CO2-costly, but was a way to help green technologies be used, seen, tried. This clearly follows objective 3 in the list above
– From the airport, delegates were encouraged to take public transport. All delegates got a free public transport pass. This also helped keep traffic limited during a large conference