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Compliance: your company could save loads of money on its events!

Compliance: your company could save loads of money on its events!

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What is ‘NetZero Events’, the international commitment of the MICE industry? What do ChatGPT and artificial intelligence for events mean? Companies still far from defining sustainability targets in MICE
This headline, which sounds like a bad slogan of a telemarketing programme, is probably true in your business. Do not be ashamed: almost all firms are equal and have no processes that optimise the procurement and planning of events. Each event is a world of its own... The issue was discussed at the last Meeting Industry Forum of Grass Roots in London.

The idea is simple: in many cases a multinational company which cancels an event has no process to get see if another office can use this cancelled venue or service. And each one defines its own agreements (with luck …) locally. And if you define a procurement process, a framework agreement with a supplier or a preferred hotel, the more likely is that people don

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