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7 formats to put new energy into congress

7 formats to put new energy into congress

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The conferences are a fascinating subject for innovation: they have to create or strengthen communities and provide updated training for professionals, bring together the most relevant personalities of entire sectors. But perhaps due to its historic character and culture professional associations are not very innovative and their congresses have followed a more rigid style than any other type of event.

This situation is gradually changing. Associations have realized the need to communicate better and more effectively involving the audience to make sessions more fruitful. The congresses are timidly evolving and adopting new formats. We show you some of them:

Learning carousel . The public is invited to get up and divided into groups of five or six. In the room small tables are set up where groups can give and receive explanations on certain issues raised by experts on the topic which is discussed in the session.

Peer sessions. Speaker and assistant have a time to share views and opinions face to face. A format that gets rid of the distance between the person who is usually in a stage and the listener.

Super brainstorming . It is a peer session ttaken to he extreme. Basically you go from a situation where a speaker speaks to a hundred, to one where half the public is speaking and half is listening , and vice-versa .

Open Space Technlogy . It´s a format that can be adjusted to any kind of meeting sizes. Participants are divided into small groups , each developing informally an issue , following the request of an assistant. It is characterized by the circular position of the chairs catching the views of all participants.

Ignite. This format is similar to Pecha Kucha : a global event organized by volunteers , in which participants have five minutes to discuss their ideas, personal and professional passions , accompanied by 20 slides that advance automatically.

World Café . After an introduction to a topic , the moderator asks participants to form groups of five to six people to share their views on the subject. Sets rounds of conversation are organized and participants change tables between rounds , increasing the connection between people within a short period of time.

Campfire . A group of seven or eight people sitting in a circle talking (like around a fire , which is the source of the name of the format ) about a topic , solving a problem, sharing experiences …


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