10 icebreakers that will boost your virtual event

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- Word cloud created at the beginning. The members post their locations, and by the end, the word cloud will create a nice collage of all the different places. It is a way to connect them in the same visual space.
- Mood barometer, control the team´s general feeling. A simple rating survey with graphical results can help you check the pulse of your team and know the starting point. Also you can use the results as a discussion starter and the most vital: you are able to satisfy their interests.
- Polls with unexpected questions that maintain the expectations of the participants for the development of the meeting and that force them to remain vigilant until the end.
- Ask them to show the space, do a little virtual tour, using the webcam. We recommend this icebreaker for smaller team meeting, thus linking the members in a more personal way.
- Laughter therapy or round of jokes to create a favorable and relaxed atmosphere and enter the subject afterwards.
- Guided meditation to reduce the stress of the group, relax the mind and prepare it for an effort of concentration.
- Physical activity or stretching. The more athletic participant could lead a 5-minute stretch exercise. Some physical activity will fire up the participants, clear their mind and
- Fun quiz, friendly competition to encourage connection, interaction, learning… Playful activities created adhoc, online games like Kahoot in which fun questions or guessing challenges are generated to be solved with multiple-choice surveys.
- Music and art used as key elements of communication to energize, excite, create an environment, stimulate the senses… A live guest artist, musician, or in general any other artistic discipline would surprise any attendee. Why not a magic trick?
- Coffee break or toast online. The remedy for any drop in energy. It’s about taking a break from everything for a while and sharing a good coffee or even a good wine. If each one visualizes the image of the rest, you can make a toast. And for the most daring there is the option to assign a theme and mount up to a costume virtual party.