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Marfa Travel

Organise your event with Marfa Travel

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Contact person: Ricardo Ceratto

Av. M-40, 17. 1º. Oficina 74, Alcorcón , Madrid

We help you to organise your event in España

Marfa Travel

We love a challenge, and our creativity knows no bounds.Our events are handcrafted: we’re always on the lookout for fresh venues, experiences, cuisine, entertainment, technology, etc. We start from scratch, finding unique locations where these events have never been put on before.We can count on premium suppliers to help us or

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At MARFA TRAVEL we provide advice and service for your corporate needs, with security and efficiency from both an operational and economic point of view.

We love challenges, and when it comes to being creative we don’t put up barriers. We are artisans of the event: continually looking for new spaces, experiences, gastronomy, entertainment, technology … creating events from scratch in unique places.

An incentive trip is more than a marketing action and we are aware of the importance of this type of trips and events due to the value they convey. An award that must remain in every attendant’s memory as an unforgettable experience.

For those clients who need trips whose main objective is technical and professional, we take care of negotiating and closing an entire schedule of visits and meetings, going far beyond what would be an Incentive Trip.

New projects: with our brand Marfa Raices (Marfa Roots) we are committed to tourism and local products and with ‘Incentive for a day’ we seek to create an incentive experience in the city of Madrid with a one-day immersion in another culture.

And always with passion, reliability and a smile.

Visit to the Barrio de las Letras (Madrid), with an exceptional guide and art historian, in which we surprised the client by entering the Teatro de la Zarzuela for an exclusive visit, ending with a concert of piano and soprano playing zarzuela.

Guided tour of Pérez Galdós’ Madrid, visiting the places where his life and those of his unforgettable characters took place. As a finishing touch, a dinner in a bookstore in the center of Madrid with a menu based on the gastronomy of the time.

Event agency Guide

Interview with the CEO

Pasión, fiabilidad y una sonrisa

Passion, reliability and a smile

Ricardo Ceratto, CEO

What makes you different?
Marfa Travel is a family business founded in 2000 with the aim of providing a very close and personalized service to companies both in their corporate travel and in the MICE world.
We treat all our events and incentives in a unique way, understanding the needs of our clients and creating tailor-made experiences, innovating and designing products with new experiences, but always at the service of our client’s needs.
What kind of events are your core?
Those that we organize for smaller groups in which we can create original and unforgettable experiences, often with an important cultural content, are the core of our brand.
Cases that have been a milestone in your agency?
Case 1: A guided tour of Madrid’s Barrio de las Letras in which we surprised the client by entering the Teatro de la Zarzuela to discover what is not normally seen (dressing rooms, storerooms, costumes, workshops, comb), ending with a private concert in the main hall of piano + soprano performing a selection of zarzuela arias.
Case 2: Guided tour of Pérez Galdós’ Madrid in collaboration with Aventuras Literarias with their map of Pérez Galdós’ Madrid, ending with a dinner – tasting of the center of Madrid in which we serve Madrilenian gastronomy of the writer’s time.
What atypical profiles do you have that give you a differential added value?
We are very proud of our professionals, from young people with new ideas and perspectives, to people with many years of experience and great knowledge of the sector.
We are a great team.
An event with us is… teamwork with the client and our suppliers to propose original ideas that adapt to their needs in each case.
Today we are undoubtedly all very conscious of sustainability and it is something we try to incorporate in our events.
Our purpose for the future is to continue growing professionally, without ever losing the illusion to learn and innovate.
