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Published the first European study on events agencies

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Brett Howell Associates has published the first financial European study on events agencies and DMCs, which has been sponsored by the agency MPI. As a media of reference in the sector, Grupo eventoplus has the exclusivity of the diffusion in Spain of this key study for the event industry. Among other facts, the study highlights […]

Brett Howell Associates has published the first financial European study on events agencies and DMCs, which has been sponsored by the agency MPI. As a media of reference in the sector, Grupo eventoplus has the exclusivity of the diffusion in Spain of this key study for the event industry.

Among other facts, the study highlights the heterogeneity in labour expenses: Spain closes the list with an average cost of € 34,115 while the expenses of the “leader”, France, are nearly the double (€ 69,488). Likewise, there is a big difference of ratios gross margin/labour expenses, between 1.43 (United Kingdom) and 2.30 (Italy) with an average of 1.57.

This 258-page report can be acquired in, for 245

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