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What should you do in 2010?

What should you do in 2010?

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What is ‘NetZero Events’, the international commitment of the MICE industry? What do ChatGPT and artificial intelligence for events mean? Companies still far from defining sustainability targets in MICE
We know that your 1st January resolutions have been dashed. We suggest here a new list we think is easier to follow, but will also have more impact on your career this year.

1. Learn how to upload videos on Youtube. Good communication is visual now (and free…)!

2. Forget the Blackberry on weekends. You will do a favor to your family and your work: all efficiency experts say it is vital to relax so you can come back with fresh ideas.

3. Use public transport, be green. And propose it to your guests. 4. Make a list of important events that you want or need to attend.

5. Recycle plastic and paper from the office. And implement the same policy in your events; it is not that hard!

6. Communicate better your events, starting with hiring a good photographer.

7. Participate in a flashmob. The latest invention from the world of communication is something you need to know (also very funny).

8. Open accounts in Facebook and Twitter (and feed them).

9. Make a backup of your PC and your server.

10. Book in advance flights, hotels and venues. The easiest way to save.

11. Keep in touch with your suppliers at least once a month.

12. Invite you best customers with a coffee and talk about anything but business. It´s time to build relationships.

13. Renew your card design staff.

14. Find yourself on the Internet! Investigates which is your virtual image.

15. Watch for gastronomic trends: do not wait for your catering trends suggestions.

16. Take a course on time management, you will be surprised.

17. Incorporates wellness treatments in your events, but before you choose it, try it personally.

18. Try an electric car.

19. Read a book on management.

20. Put some interactivity in your events.

21. Use software on your events. The use of technology is the key to improve productivity in any industry.

22. Learn from other industries: read articles from sociology, psychology, science education … learn a lot about how to treat your guests, how to convince your customers, how to motivate your teams. You can start with

23. And take advantage of eventoplus…. If you have not already done so, subscribe to eventos magazine; participate in evento days, and apply for the eventoplus awards.

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